Monday, May 14, 2012

Today was not my best day...

I am a TERRIBLE sleeper! Usually it takes me forever to fall asleep and then I often wake up hours too early and can't go back to sleep. Lately, however, I have been falling asleep even later and then turning my alarm off in my sleep in the morning.  Not a good sign! I have been doing this so much so, and as such have been late for work repeatedly, my work gave me a joke intervention and suggested that I buy this:

Its "Clocky" the rolling alarm clock! After the alarm goes off once, the repeated snooze alarms include the clock rolling further and further away,meaning you actually have wake up and get out of bed to turn the alarm off.  I don't think I will be purchasing this, but I will certainly be purchasing an alarm clock instead of using alarms on my phone. Sometimes old school works best!

This morning was one of those mornings that I turned my phone alarm off and returned to blissful slumber.  I woke up again when I was supposed to be heading out the door for work. Hello Monday! I frantically threw an outfit together, filled a huge to-go coffee cup, threw my hair up quickly and was on my way.  This is how I did my hair:

So cute! And so fast.  Worth the three minutes, I was going to roll into work late anyways...again.

I was late, I left late and the traffic at that time is considerable worse.  I could tell the clinic manager was not happy with me (so understandable) once I got to work and the rest of the day was tension-filled...mostly because I was irritated with myself. Embarrassing! Definitely not my norm! 

So the day continued in the same manner of unenjoyment until about 3:30 when, what? Oh yeah, the crown of my dental implant popped out! Now people, this has been a thing of my nightmares even since I was a little girl when I originally lost my right front tooth, but never did I actually think that it would really happen!

I grabbed my tooth off the floor (of the Infectious Disease Clinic that I work at...) and ran to my office covering my mouth. I had to call my mother to tell her that my tooth had actually fallen out, I still could not believe it! I booked out the door, hoping I could get to my dentist office before they closed and that they would take pity on me! 

Dental implants include a post that is screwed into the jaw bone, a dental crown , and an additional screw that attaches the crown to the post in the jaw. Some day I will share my story about how I came about having this dental implant...

This is pretty much what I looked like, except it was my front right tooth

Fortunately, my dental clinic squeezed me in. They glued the sucker right back on in about three minutes, charged me $159 (seriously! come on) and I was on my way.

One of my cats, who used to use the litter box just fine, has now developed a habit of peeing anywhere but in her litter box, WTH! I got home from the dentist to find that today she peed in my favorite purse.  Thank you.  Have any of you had this problem? Any tips as to how to retrain her to use the litter box?

Perhaps I was meant to take this day off... 

But tomorrow is another day! And now I am relaxing with a glass of much needed red wine and watching the new Bachelorette.  

 Hope your day went better than mine!

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